
Frequently Asked Questions

Select a question below to find out more about Richmond Naturopathic.

  • What is Naturopathic Medicine

    Naturopathic medicine is similar to conventional medicine in that both types of physicians are trained to diagnose and treat disease. The goals of a naturopathic physician however, are quite different: he or she wants each patient to not only be free from illness, but also headed in the direction of greater health and wellness. The methods used to achieve this goal are safe and effective traditional medicines, such as botanicals, nutrition, and homeopathy. Naturopathic physicians also differ from conventional doctors in that they are able to provide the time needed to listen a to patient’s concerns, not only their physical but also their mental and emotional needs in order to address the true cause of any imbalance. Patients will leave with new knowledge and tools so they may begin to live a healthier and happier life.

  • What is Dr. Jheeta's Registration number?

    Dr. Jheeta's Registration number is 30056.

  • Do you accept extended health care insurance?

    Yes, we currently have direct billing for several extended benefits companies directly at the office. 

    For other benefits providers, we can provide a receipt for your visit which you can use to process your insurance claim.

    We do direct billing for:
    Pacific Blue Cross
    Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
    Desjardins Insurance
    Great-West Life Assurance Company
    iA Financial Group
    Johnston Group
    Maximum Benefit
    Sun Life Financial

  • What kind of training do naturopathic physicians have? Are they licensed?

    Naturopathic physicians attend an accredited 4-year naturopathic medical school and graduate with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine (N.D. or N.M.D.). In addition to a standard medical curriculum, the naturopathic physician is required to complete four years of training in clinical nutrition, homeopathy, botanical medicine, physical manipulations, psychology, and counseling. The emphasis of their education is on prevention and optimizing wellness. A naturopathic physician takes rigorous professional board exams so that he or she may be licensed by a province or state as a primary care general practice physician.

  • What happens at a naturopathic visit?

    At your first visit we will spend up to an hour going over your medical history and your health goals. I will also perform any necessary physical exams and will develop, with your input, a treatment plan that will be most successful for you.

    At all return visits, I will spend up to 60 minutes with you discussing any changes you may have experienced, again perform any necessary physical exams, and update the treatment plan as necessary

    - At the first visit Dr.Jheeta only spends about 30 to 45 mins.
    - Subsequent visit he only spends about 20mins

    Some appointment are longer or shorter depending on the case.

  • How many treatments is it going to take to make me feel better?

    The number of treatments needed depends on the complexity of your complaint (acute vs. chronic). Each patient is unique and therefore may need a longer or shorter treatment time. Typically a patient will return one month after the first visit to go over his or her progress and make any necessary changes to the treatment plan. The goal is to bring you to a greater level of health so typically patient visits become less frequent and less necessary over time. 

  • Are naturopathic physicians primary caregivers?

    Yes. In the province of British Columbia, naturopathic doctors are primary care physicians (PCP’s). This means I can diagnose and treat disease, order labs and prescribe nutraceuticals, and prescribe medication.

    Naturopathy is a distinctive approach to health and healing that recognizes and celebrates the integrity of the individual. Naturopathic medicine emphasizes the treatment of disease through the stimulation, enhancement, and support of the inherent healing capacity of the person.

    Methods of naturopathic treatment include diet modification, nutritional supplementation, chelation therapy, exercise science, botanical medicine, homeopathy, counseling, primary care and preventative medicine.

    The practice of naturopathy emerges from six underlying principles of healing which are based on the objective observation of the nature of health and disease, and are continually reexamined in light of scientific analysis. For the naturopathic physician, abiding by these principles forms the basis of all treatment.

    The diagnostic and treatment principles of naturopathic medicine are deeply rooted within the observation of nature. These natural patterns mirror our body’s own intrinsic inclination towards optimal health. Symptoms and diseases are not isolated occurrences; they are as natural as its medical philosophy. The natural herbal formulas prescribed come from plants,

  • Can we identify and treat the cause? (Tolle causam)

    Illness does not occur without cause. Underlying causes of disease must be discovered and removed or treated before a person can recover completely from illness. Symptoms are expressions of the body’s attempt to heal, but are not the cause of disease. Symptoms, therefore, should not be suppressed by treatment.

    First, do no harm: (Primum no nocere)

    Illness is a purposeful process of the organism. The process of healing often includes the generation of symptoms which are, in fact, an expression of the body attempting to heal itself.

    Treat the whole person: (The multifactorial nature of health and disease)

    Health and disease are conditions of the whole organism, a whole involving a complex interaction of physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and other factors. The physician must treat the whole person by taking all of these factors into account.

    The physician as teacher: (Docer)

    Beyond an accurate diagnosis and appropriate prescription, the physician must work to create a healthy, sensitive interpersonal relationship with the patient. A cooperative doctor-patient relationship has inherent therapeutic value. The physician’s major role is to educate and encourage the patient to take responsibility for health.

    Prevention: (Prevention is the best “cure”)

    The ultimate goal of any health care system should be prevention. This is accomplished through education and promotion of life-habits that create good health. Then if the patient has learned enough they are able to pass this valuable knowledge to their family and next generation. The physician assesses risk factors and hereditary susceptibility to disease and makes appropriate interventions to avoid further harm and risk to the patient. The emphasis is on building health rather than fighting disease.

    Hence the reason I created this phrase:

    “True healthcare is preventative, and true prevention is generational!”

    …And remember, everyone is welcome to my clinic!
